Wednesday 22 February 2012

Bentley's Back!

Wow, so I'm pretty bad, leaving you guys for like more than a month? Not that anyone reading this is someone I don't talk to on a regular basis (although if you are and you have no idea who I am, that's pretty cool!). Anyhoot, I thought I'd update my blog with a little post or whatever, keep you guys interested. Don't let me go this long without blogging again! (Not that you can really control that, but whatever, it's the thought that counts)

Sunday 8 January 2012

My Thoughts: Vancouver at Boston, January 7/2012

So, I think it's safe to assume that this game was pretty boring huh? I see I've already got a few eyes rolling. See, by boring, I mean absolutely awesome and spectacular. Yeah, makes more sense huh? This definitely wasn't a boring game. Wait, yes it was. Screw my attempt at being funny, it was a kick ass game okay?